Quality housing is vital for any area to grow.  Whether looking for an executive lake-front home, an historic home, acreage, affordable housing or rental units, Sac County has a wide variety of offerings. Most communities have available lots for those who wish to build. Sac County’s many amenities make the area very popular, so demand is currently high for housing. SETD and member communities are constantly working together to help provide more housing. A recent county housing needs assessment great overview of county housing and demonstrates that investment in the county is a great opportunity.

Housing Needs Assessment

Real Estate Links

Find your next place to call home in Sac County with local realtors that know the area the best and will put you in the right situation for you and your family!

Sac County Realtors

Sac RealtyGreen Real EstateCentury 21ZillowGrote Real Estate

More Realtors

Kelly Bierl – Hometown Realty, SpencerMidwest Land Group

Housing Committees

Sac City and Lake View have active city housing committees. Please see the following links for more information.

Sac City Housing CommitteeLake View Housing Information